A Correction and Amplification

Maybe you’ve heard that the tongue is a difficult creature to tame. Mine is no exception. Especially when it is hitched to an overloaded memory. Recently, I had the privilege of joining MethodMinistries on YouTube to discuss the extent of the atonement. It was a good talk, and I very much enjoyed chatting with Lucas. [...]

Do All Infants Go to Heaven When They Die? A Reply to Those Who Answer in the Negative

The idea is simple enough: the guilt of Adam is passed on to all the inhabitants of the human race. Therefore, infants who die need to be saved just as much as adult sinners. So far so good. The real fork in the road occurs when some go on to say that since the Scriptures [...]

In Defense of Moderate Calvinism: Are the Non-Elect Included Within the Scope of the Term “World” in John 3:16?

John 3:16 A Litmus Test in the Moderate Calvinist and Strict Particularist Debate   The Issue The principle issue dividing Moderate Calvinists from (certain) Strict Particularists in their understanding of John 3:16 can be boiled down to a simple question: Are the non-elect included within the scope of the term “world” in John 3:16? If [...]