The Beatific Vision

[Note that the following is a lesson outline for a Life Group at McIlwain Presbyterian Church] The Beatific Vision The Transforming, Joy-Inducing, Infinitely Overwhelming, Frightening, Hope of all Christians ------------------------------------- The Objective Our task is “simple.” Figure out what this passage means. “Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not [...]

A Brief Reflection on the Problem of Evil

[The following post is taken from my book "Satan's Awful Idea" which is available for free as a PDF.  See link.  It is taken from appendix B.] Appendix B Satan’s Awful Idea and Theodicy If God knew that Lucifer was going to fall, why did He create him? Our answer has been that God did [...]

Is The Character of a Civil Leader Crucially Important to His Task?

When it comes to the world of mixed martial arts, you'll hit someone in one of two ways. The first occurs in the gym while sparring. Here the idea is to sharpen each others' skills without intentionally crippling the other. The second happens in the ring. Here the intent is to take your opponent's head [...]

Sensus Divinipodcastis

Everyone has an innate awareness that there exists a gloriously sublime podcast.  And I am here to point you to it 🙂 Allow me to introduce Sensus Divinipodcastis; a new podcast by yours truly. I've always wanted to theologize about movies, other podcasts, and books; to use these mediums as springboards to discuss ethics, philosophy, [...]

A Plea to my Reformed Brothers: Beware the Creeping Advance of Reductionism and Hyper-Calvinism

Dear Reformed reader, I have no idea how to convince you that a tumor has been growing on the underbelly of Calvinism for some time now. Quotations from Reformed stalwarts have been amassed. Compelling arguments have been marshaled. Videos have been produced. Reasoned exegesis has been offered. But 9 out of 10 times it falls [...]

Do All Infants Go to Heaven When They Die? A Reply to Those Who Answer in the Negative

The idea is simple enough: the guilt of Adam is passed on to all the inhabitants of the human race. Therefore, infants who die need to be saved just as much as adult sinners. So far so good. The real fork in the road occurs when some go on to say that since the Scriptures [...]

Limited Expiation and The Universal Well-Meant Offer: Illustrating Further the Logical Problem

Imagine two men sitting at the bottom of two pits. They love the filth and darkness and are more troll like than human. In short time, both will die in their diseased pits. Because of God's love for both of the men, He drops a rope down to them and calls out, “Grab the rope! [...]

Limited Expiation and The Well-Meant, Universal Gospel Offer: A Logical Problem

Here's my attempt to state as clearly and succinctly as possible the logical problem that exists between limited satisfaction and the universal gospel offer. Note that this problem cannot be resolved by appealing to our ignorance of who is elect and non-elect in evangelism. What we know or do not know about the people around [...]

What is Hyper-Calvinism? A Lecture by Dr. Curt Daniel

Hyper-Calvinism is not only often misunderstood, but elements of it have unwittingly crept into the thinking of various Calvinists. Perhaps the most common aspect is a denial of the well-meant offer, which is the teaching that God desires the salvation of the non-elect.  Hyper-Calvinists robustly deny this claim.  They maintain that God does not desire [...]

A Critique Of Exclusive Psalmody No Instruments- Questioning its Consistency and Clarity

Introduction In this paper I will be presenting several arguments against the position known as exclusive psalmody no instruments (EPNI, hereafter). Having been a member of the RPCNA for approximately ten years, I am not coming at this from an outsiders' perspective. I love singing the Psalms, and I appreciate the sobriety and godliness and [...]

In Defense of Moderate Calvinism: “Wait! He Said What?!?” Reformed Quotes on the Extent of the Atonement and God’s Universal Saving Will

Section 1. Various Quotes from Reformers and other Notable Theologians Indicating Moderate Calvinism Section 2. Quotes from Moderates and High Calvinists Concerning God's Universal Desire for all to be Saved ----------------------------------------- The first section is largely concerned with the extent of the atonement and/or matters pertaining to universal sufficiency. I have tried to limit myself [...]

In Defense of Moderate Calvinism: Are the Non-Elect Included Within the Scope of the Term “World” in John 3:16?

John 3:16 A Litmus Test in the Moderate Calvinist and Strict Particularist Debate   The Issue The principle issue dividing Moderate Calvinists from (certain) Strict Particularists in their understanding of John 3:16 can be boiled down to a simple question: Are the non-elect included within the scope of the term “world” in John 3:16? If [...]

A Movie

Movie recommendations are fickle. Not only do interests vary, but so do consciences. So if you do not want to have your emotions pulled in painful directions, and if you harbor concerns about the content, which isn’t disqualifying in my mind, then save yourself a few dollars and do not stream this movie. But if you [...]