My Books for Free

Over the past decade, one of my chief pursuits has been to write beautifully written, thought-provoking books. To what degree I have accomplished this remains something of an unanswered question in my mind. Having recently gone back over my earlier volumes, I cannot help but marvel at how awkward and unpolished they were at times. [...]

Change My Mind: As A Conservative Christian I Should Not Vote For President Trump

When it comes to voting in favor of President Trump, the Christian's rationale often goes something like this: since there is no such thing as a perfect candidate, voters will inevitably have to wrestle with a lesser of two evils scenario. President Trump certainly exhibits failures of character and competency at times, yet for all [...]

In Defense Of Film: 60 Or So Movies You Might Want To See

I am sometimes reminded by the comments of Christians that tastes in movies vary wildly.  This isn't too surprising- though one might wonder how it could be that some actually enjoy what they do in fact enjoy.  Here one need only peruse the myriad of Christian productions of the past decade or two.  Most seem [...]

Thought of the Day

Chief among those sins that are today not thought of as especially sinful- given the near ubiquitous assumption that there exists a hidden clause behind every verbalized commitment that it will be most assuredly done if nothing else more interesting or trivially pressing comes along- is unreliability. Or untrustworthiness. Or unfaithfulness. Or whatever other word [...]

Is The Character of a Civil Leader Crucially Important to His Task?

When it comes to the world of mixed martial arts, you'll hit someone in one of two ways. The first occurs in the gym while sparring. Here the idea is to sharpen each others' skills without intentionally crippling the other. The second happens in the ring. Here the intent is to take your opponent's head [...]

Sensus Divinipodcastis

Everyone has an innate awareness that there exists a gloriously sublime podcast.  And I am here to point you to it 🙂 Allow me to introduce Sensus Divinipodcastis; a new podcast by yours truly. I've always wanted to theologize about movies, other podcasts, and books; to use these mediums as springboards to discuss ethics, philosophy, [...]

A Christian Psychology Of And Response To Homosexuality – Sam Williams

Not long ago, Justin Taylor highlighted a lecture by Sam Williams, saying, “This is the best one-hour introduction [to the psychology of homosexuality] you can find.” I agree. Here are some of the questions raised and addressed (as aptly outlined by Taylor) in this presentation. What causes homosexuality? Can we be responsible for that which [...]

Generational Conflict in Ministry

D.A. Carson has written a timely article entitled “Generational Conflict in Ministry.”  See if the first paragraph catches your attention: “About five years after the Berlin wall came down and the communist regimes of Central and Eastern Europe had mostly fallen or been transmuted into something rather different, I had the privilege of speaking at [...]

Two Weeks of Listening. Some Snapshot Thoughts

Apologetics 315 Interview with David Wood Excellent interview exploring the subject of Islam.  Instead of looking at the historical evidence, which is rarely what Muslims care to explore, David Wood very helpfully shows how one can and should use the Koran itself as a foil to the Muslim’s most common objections against Christianity.  Good stuff. [...]

Is Anything Worth Believing? – John Lennox

The latest issue of Scientific America headlines: The Physics of Intelligence Evolution has packed 100-billion neurons into our three-pound brain Can we get any smarter? If we believe that chance exquisitely laced these neurons together, then I sure hope so. -------- Speaking of science, it’s popular these days to talk about the incompatibility of science [...]

The Tide of Culture (It Gets Better, by Google)

----- I recently saw this commercial while watching the NBA playoffs.  The thought that entered my mind, after watching this powerful commercial, was, "It's going to get tougher... for us." Let us speak clearly, yet lovingly, brothers in the days to come. You might check out James White's recent interview with Dr. Mike Brown.  They discuss his latest book [...]

Are We Really Just a Blank Slate? A Conversation with Steven Pinker – Al Mohler

In one of his more recent and fascinating podcasts, Dr. Mohler discusses the subject of man’s nature with well known evolutionary psychologist, Steven Pinker. In this interview, two things are worth noting.  First, Dr. Mohler proves yet again that he is a gentleman.  He allows Dr. Pinker to present his view without interruption.  He doesn’t [...]

Check Out The New Blog: Gentle Reformation

I’d like to draw your attention to a new, snazzy, Reformed, gentle, but not too gentle (like pansy gentle or girl pushup gentle) blog where yours truly is a fellow contributor.  In a nutshell, we share our musings about theology, culture, history, books and pretty much anything and everything that strikes our fancy.  Since Calvinists, [...]

The Future of Atheism: Beyond the Question of God – Point of Inquiry

I’m drawing attention to this particular podcast for one simple reason: It provides a glimpse into the ambitions and aspirations of contemporary atheism.   Basically what you have are three atheists- three noted individuals- discussing the future of atheism in America.  They explore the disadvantages and advantages of militant, that is, “loud and proud” atheism, as [...]

My New Book Is Available!

--- Think Neil Armstrong, Shackleton, Lewis and Clark... The Mailman! --- For what is the mailman, if not a dashing adventurer wrapped in blue?  Does he not daily brave the sidewalks of America, that place where the average citizen roams wild, unhindered and real?  Does he not tackle blizzards, endure tempests, wrestle frothy-mouthed dogs, overcome [...]